Thursday, January 22, 2009

National Pie Day '09: Apple Custard Pie

The pies are starting to stack up in anticipation of National Pie Day tomorrow. First out of the oven was the apple custard pie. I wanted to do at least one apple pie, but was frankly feeling too lazy to do a double crust. My New Year's resolutions include baking more pies and getting back specifically to improving my apple pie. Plus, I am growing to love fruit custard pies. This recipe reminded me of a light, eggy, apple pancake. The pie smelled lovely going into the oven, but as soon as it was too late to do so I wondered if perhaps I should have added some vanilla. Next time. I used a variety of apples in the hopes that interesting apple flavors would counteract the potential blandness of the custard. I think the final mix I used was Granny Smith, Macintosh, and Virginia Gold. You'll notice the big glob of cinnamon that resulted from my attempts to decoratively sprinkle the whole thing one last time before baking it. I include before and after baking photos.

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